Ferguson Unit, Midway, Texas
16 years in solitary / ad seg
June 30, 2024
Photography by TEXAS LETTERS
This is my 4th day in solitary confindment here at the Ferguson unit 12120 Savage Drive midway, TX 75852, this is June 30, 2024 Im here on X wing 45 cell waiting on a cell in general population. I came here Thursday from the Eastham unit, Im not in trouble or anything Im just here for overflow to go before unit Classification Committee to be house in General Poplation. But this is like a Dungeon and its super hot in here, they left all my property back on the Eastham it will be sent over here in a month or two. But most of allt they left my fan back on the Eastham unit. The first day I got here Thursday 27th, 2024 I thought I was going to die from this heat man I know its like 115 degrees in this Dungeon around 12:00 or 2pm its hot I was sweating and dripping like water pouring from a Hydring, so I just started praying and ask God to let me make it in this Dungeon and don’t die from this heat. then about 4 minutes pass by and a wind was in my cell like a fan, I said man thats god man, and this wind is still blowing in my cell right now. So its like a fan right now so this is god. I know he’s real but he put a fan up in here its cold like a AC, breeze man for real its god. Thank the lord. now I first came to prison this is the first unit I hit when I came here in 1981 I was 17 years old now Im 60 years old. still doing time, whats so amazing about this story is first day I got to eat in this chow hall I hadn't been in here since 1983 when I left and I had left in June 1983 to Coffield unit. But May 1983 I had a mother day visit with my mom in this same chow hall so it really brought back memories to my mind. But I never thought I lie back in this unit cause when I came here it was like a first offender kid unit and for kids that got out of TYC Texas Youth Commission now its seem like its still nothing but kids here more kids then before. then I asked myself when did I end up back on a kid unit? so I must be here for a reason cause out of all places everybody know Ferguson is a kid unit. By me being a man of God I must got some work to do. Now the old solitary confindment was for punishment it was like going in the hold and forgotten lost in the system. And they consider you a bad actor or hard head and this would break you down mentally. But for me my longest stay was 16 years they changed the name from solitary to Ad. seg its like you are confined to a single man cell 23 hours a day only allowed out 1 hour a day for rec and 15 minutes a day for showers other than that you are in that cell 24 hours a day. so what I done was I set me a time schedule.. work out, Read my Bible, Read Books, write letter, and write songs. And my time of 16 years went fast from 1995 I hit seg. 1997 I caught 3 more years onto 15 years 2005 which made me have 18 years I done the whole 18 years day for day 16 flat in seg which is solitary confinement. I wrote some of my Best songs in them cells. Back in 2010 I was on Telford unit in new Boston, TX. it was Christmas day And we was on a unit lockdown mean we get sack lunches And everybody was mad cause it was Christmas And they didn’t give us A hot tray or nothing for Christmas. so after they passed out the Johnnies Bags, someone passed A kite around saying get Ready we gonna all set our mattress on fire in About A hour. I was thinking man how we gonna breath in All this smoke And we are trapped in these cells. man I wasn’t even thinking this was gonna happen so fast. I looked out the door And coudn’t even see in front of my cell door. it was so Black with smoke now I can’t even see my own self like arms my whole cell is Black. I said lord what to do. He said your green wool Blanket wet it up And cover up And put your face inside the toliet make the Blanket tight so no smoke can get in And keep flushing the toliet over and over And you can make it. I did man this was scarest time of my life, it you were to see how Black. I heard that over 40 people people set there mattress on fire at one time. Can you amagin that? Anyway I made it through I was scare of smoke from then on. I got out 2013 May 7th I discharged 18 years flat. I went Back to Jasper, TX I met my daughter Brittney nicole Hadnot she was only 2 years old when I went to prison now she was 20 years old. I was Born Feb 3, 1964 she was Born Feb 7, 1993 Anyway I was homeless she said Daddy you can stay with me. she had A son And Daughter the lil Boy was like 4 years old I didn’t know what to say. But I found out that my Real mom lillie mae died 2010 feb 2, 2010 Right before my Birthday I just found out from my daughter Brittney. Anyway I met A girl named Shenita Preston she 32 years old I moved in with her my Daughter Really got mad, cause I wasn’t spending time with her. I had got her from her mama when she was 9 days old she never seen her mom she was Raised By my grandmother. Anyway Shenita got pregnate with my son in July 2013 she had him April 16th 2014 this was first son so I named him after me Albert James Hadnot Jr. he was my heart I got to spend 9 months with him he was walking And talking At 9 months old. Jan 27th 2015 9:00pm A night I’ll never forget I woke up on the couch the fire was Burning me up I jumped they was in the Back Room sleep. I didn’t know what to do. we was Renting A trailer house so you can’t jump out or get out the small Roll out window. I said Lord I’m gonna Burn up this time. he said pick up the couch through it in front of the fire and hold your head down close your eyes the door is on the left hand side
I done it I made it out the fire, I Ran to the Back door it was locked I ran to my neighbor for help we come And get the Back door open fire was coming out the door in our Faces we couldn’t get in. when the fire trucks came they had to leave they said the forgot to put water in the trucks. I had to stand there And watch my girlfriend And son Burn to death in the Back Room, they Died, they Burn up together in the Bed. I didn’t even Realize I was Burned up All the hair off my head And face they said you got to go to the Hospital you Burnt really Bad. I was Air lifted to UTMB Burn Unit everything was like A Blur I woke up in UTMB next morning I asked them what happen you was in A fire I asked about my Baby + girlfriend they Burned up I passed out. I woke up I went to the Bathroom look at my face And passed out. 4 days later I left out the galveston hospital I didn’t tell no one I thought it was All A dream when I got Back to Jasper the house as gone I was sick. I had to go to the mortory to sign papers I was wrapped up like A mummy. I could stand to look at myself I almost vomit I was in Bad shape. they creamated Both of them together I didn’t go to no wake or nothing I couldn’t go I couldn’t even think. I was drinking myself to death. I went to my daughter Apartment locked myself inn the Room didn’t come out I was sick. this happen on Jan. 27th 2015 9:00pm february 27th I was in the Bed at my daughter Apartment And god said get up, I sat up in the bed, And he said take All that wrap stuff off your face. go in the bath Room look in the mirror And see what I done for you. I Ran in the BathRoom look in the mirror And couldn’t even Believe what I saw. What I saw I couldn’t Believe it, I didn’t have a Burn mark nowhere on my face, head Body I was just like I was Before I got Burned, I holla for my daughter Brittney I ran in there she looked But couldn’t speak, she couldn’t even move. I hug my Baby and said I love you, look what god done for me. then the lord spoke. I had all the Burned photos of me on my phone cause I was filing a A wrongful death law suit And personal injury suit. he said I want you to start going to all the churches all over the place show them what I done for you, I can do for them also only if they Believe in me, and have faith. man I don’t have a Burn mark on me no where. My Burn was Beyond human Aid, I looked like something out A scarry movie. god fixed me just like I was Before I got Burned. All this is true And facts All this is 100% true. look At the live video (mother and Baby died in housefire) Jasper, Texas 2015 youtube.com and KTRETV.com look At the video. man god is Real so now you know my story. I wrote that song (good Whiskey Just Won’t Kill The Pain) I have A guy in nashville TN. thats gonna Record it soon so I get $340.00 for the Demo. he is the one who Recordid “Don’t you drink and Drive” for me in 2012 his name is William Sherry Jr. A producer in nashville. I wrote this song from my heart for my son AJ. And my girlfriend Shenita nick name Tay. I miss them I never forget the goodtimes we had. All I can say is kept god first in All you do. cause he is able to is Able to make A way, out of no way. I don’t care who Believe me or what they say everybody in Jasper, TX. know they saw it, And me Burned up it made news. I wanted to try And get that song “Don’t you drink and Drive” on a Drunk driving commerical I see them drunk drivers are still killing A lot of people all over the world. why I’m Back in prison Jasper, TX sent A warrant for my Arrest to Houston, TX. said I moved without changing my address. they gave me 10 years. they was mad at me cause I filed a law suit about my family. I found out it was said to be Arson, I don’t know. Anyway I spend most of my time writing songs And trying to get A person know god is Real And he will Reveal himself to you when he get Ready NOT cause men want him to, But when he wants to. whatever you can use of this writing I sent you, use it. what you can’t use, just trash it. Anyone you know of might need A few good country songs I got them, or can write them. I have no one to help me now. Thank you for All your help And concern. God Bless you
Albert James Hadnot
let me know when you get this
Thanks Take care