It’s a Jungle and I wonder how I keep from going under. Because, only the strong survive in solitary confinement.
I’m a 53 year old mother of 5 with 10 grandkids. They support me by mail, correspondence, photos, visits. But they all want me free and to come home the same way I left. Thats, the whole me: Mentally and Physically.
I have hypertension, diabetes-mellitus, server disk degenerative disease, mood disorders, severe depression, peripheral vascular disease, anemia deficiency, carpal-tunnel syndrome, arthritis in joints every where in my body, heart palpatations, impulsive, hostile, irritability Behavior, Bursting, obesity, neuopathy. When I entered the system, I only had Diabetes. Obvious, my heath has declined since I’ve been in solitary confinement for a total of 10 years.
I have chronic pain due to inability to go to Physical Therapy because of my costody level.
They punish us with lack of healthcare because of where we live - solitary. Adding on a poor diet they serve us that mainly consist of pork and carbohydrates.
Medical staff is completely incompetent. They don’t take my medical concerns seriously. Usually, they ignore them. It takes my family getting involved by calling, visiting, emails on my behalf, then, they address my sick calls with in 10 working days. When the PA arrives at my door without never physically examining me or take my vitals. He just stands at my door and doesn’t review my charts - before coming. Then, half of the time, he forgets to put in the computer the orders he’s discussed with me.
The prison hospital in Galveston - their expert specialist physicians have ordered me a medication for nerve damage. But the unit medical staff PA has never followed their orders. They never given it to me once. My nerve damage has worsened. I’ve requested another nerve conductive referal and have been denied by PA. My condition could have been treated years ago when it was first diagnosed.
I’m exposed to extremely loud noise levels in solitary confinement. I choose to call this place the Devils Jungle. I hear arguing, shouting, crying, beating with cups, mirrows on the wall, and doors, cursing from inmates and the officers who are unprofessional. I see women standing in the door masturbating for their lovers or staff, birds flying in out this raggy building, cats in out dirty pads and tampns on the ground. Roaches bigger than my thumb flying and crawling all over, and spiders, frogs, nets, Flies. It’s all sorts of funky smells in hear, from Rust to body oder unwash clothes, encluding midew in showers, urine, shit from broken backed up tolits that over flow. Chemical agents deployed that cause my nose to run, eyes to tear up, burning skin, and hard to breathe.
The unprofessional officers, I call them 2 legged Devils. Depression is every where. All sorts of Satanic she-nanigans going on. Nothing is consistent. The rules change with every officer who works. I survive the best I can, just like the next sister. I don’t knock no one hustle. They all got to do what they got to do to survive in here. I don’t Judge because we all wearing white, no matter what got us here. We are human Not animals. We are mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, daughters living in this jungle called solitary confinement with cruel and unusual punishment, that should be done away with. The judge sentenced me and the fact that Im away from my love ones should be enough. But instead I have to deal with bad staff, liers, Broken toilets, no Hot water showers, broken sinks and being mistreated in solitary confinement - TDCJ system 24/7 that don’t work.
And people wonder why we have all these suiciddle deaths, Repeaters in here.
Alicia Mayfield #1667330
1916 N. Hwy 36 By Pass
Lane Murry
Gatesville TX. 76596

Murray Unit, Gatesville, Texas
10 years in solitary / ad seg
March 26, 2023
Photography by TEXAS LETTERS