My personal experiences in Solitary Confinement are too many to share all in one letter, I can probably write a book with the content of my experiences in Solitary Confinement after being housed for 22+ years in this hell hole that is called Solitary Confinement in Texas.
Solitary Confinement is a hellacious breeding ground to multible mental health illness and as time goes on, it gets harder to understand the full effect it has on every single human being that is being subjected to this cruel and unusual punishment, especially if it's someone that gets lost within this system and has no kind of family support and believe me, there are many like this that end up falling deeper and deeper of no return.
Solitary Confinement is a place that eventually strips us of all humanity, dignity and hope and is capable of pushing many human beings over the ledge to the point of them taking their own lives and the ones that survive, are forever scared and tortured by the demons that continue to roam in their minds, the real intent of this practice called Solitary Confinement is designed to do.
Submitted by Don Aldaco #847579 (Texas Dept of Crminal Justice)

Michael Unit, Tennessee Colony, Texas
22 years in solitary / ad seg
November 10, 2021
Photography by TEXAS LETTERS